Blue Screen Adventures Logo

Blue Screen Adventures review

4.2 / 5


Bacq Stellan


50 MB available space is not an official representative or the developer of this application. Copyrighted materials belong to their respective owners

Blue Screen Adventures Review

Blue Screen Adventures is an application developed by Bacq Stellan. Blue Screen Adventures was first published on . It is available on the following platforms: Steam, Other.

Blue Screen Adventures *The New Text Adventures Game*

BSA is a text adventure game. You will play the nephew or niece of one of the three greatest genius of computer developement from the years 1970/1980.

Gates? Miner? or Jobs?

All three are your uncles in a wacky adventure! :D
Perhaps they will follow your most incredible ideas? ... Hmmmmmm

Your goal is to travel back in time through three weird adventures.

Find the end of the story by avoiding the

« Blue Screen Of Death » ...

unless you prefer to find all of them to unlock all the Steam achievement in the game!


- 3 Stories and many rich texts to discover
- 3 Mini games and lots of small games to enjoy during the adventure.
- 3 Online Steam Leaderboards, for each mini games.
- Dynamic gameplay and score tracking for mini games.
- 54 Steam Achievements and Trading Cards.
- 14 languages
- Stylized graphics, bringing a unique look to a Text Game

So, if you could travel in time , where would you go? and why?

#MadeWithFusion ;)

Blue Screen Adventures

4.2 / 5

Blue Screen Adventures Logo
Author: Bacq Stellan
Size: 50 MB available space

To download the app, you will get links to the Official Website and/or official digital markets.