The Other Half Logo

The Other Half review

4.5 / 5


Studio Egg Roll


2 GB available space is not an official representative or the developer of this application. Copyrighted materials belong to their respective owners

The Other Half Review

The Other Half is an application by Studio Egg Roll. The Other Half was first published on . It is accessible on Steam, Other.

A Demon Hunter receives a letter from Daniel, a man begging for help against a demonic infestation from the mountain that he calls home. The Hunter, in a search for him through the cold and abandoned world, will discover a twisted tale of intimacy and violence of the past, and must use that knowledge to purge the demons from the once-beautiful land.

- Hand animated 2D characters on a cold and ruined 3D world
- Methodical combat that rewards patience, precision, and knowing the enemies intimately
- A one-sitting narrative of discovering memory fragments that showcase the beauty of the past
- Fully voiced dialogues and narrations
- Optional Narrative Mode for those who don't want difficulty to affect the pacing of the story, without taking away the intensity of combat

The Other Half

4.5 / 5

The Other Half Logo
Author: Studio Egg Roll
Size: 2 GB available space

To download the app, you will get links to the Official Website and/or official digital markets.